How women can develop a non-comparative mindset

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When it comes to our careers, many women find themselves constantly comparing themselves to others. We look at what our peers are doing and try to find ways to measure up. While this may be a natural inclination, it can also lead to frustration and a lack of fulfillment. It’s much better to develop a non-comparative mindset. Women in business and tech careers often feel the need to compare themselves to their peers. It can be difficult to break out of this mindset, but it’s worth it. When you develop a non-comparative mindset, you’re able to focus on your own work and progress. This can lead to a more fulfilling business or career and life. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of having a non-comparative mindset and how to unlearn the habit of comparing yourself to others.We’ll also explore why it’s important to focus on your own journey, not someone else’s.

What is a comparative mindset?

A comparative mindset is when someone compares themselves to others, usually in a negative way. This can lead to frustration and a lack of fulfillment.

Women are especially prone to developing a comparative mindset, as they are often socialized to be modest and compare themselves to others in order to find ways to measure up. This can be counterproductive, as it can lead to feelings of insecurity and inferiority.

The dangers of having a comparative mindset

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A comparative mindset can be dangerous because it can lead to feelings of envy and resentment. When someone is always comparing themselves to others, they are never happy with what they have.

They are always looking for ways to be better than everyone else, which can be an impossible task. This can lead to a lot of unhappiness and stress.

The benefits of having a non-comparative mindset

There are many benefits to having a non-comparative mindset. Here are just a few:

  • First, you’ll be less likely to feel frustrated or dissatisfied with your work.

  • Second, you’ll be more creative and productive, since you won’t be constantly comparing yourself to others.

  • Third, you’ll be able to focus on your own strengths and weaknesses, which will help you improve your work.

  • Finally, you’ll be more likely to find satisfaction in your work, since you won’t be chasing after someone else’s approval.

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How to develop a non-comparative mindset

There are several things you can do to develop a non-comparative mindset.

  • First, be aware of the thoughts that go through your head when you compare yourself to others.

  • Next, try to focus on your own strengths and accomplishments, rather than those of others.

  • Finally, remember that everyone is different and there is no “right” way to do things.


Do you have a comparative mindset? Many women do, as they are often socialized to be modest and compare themselves to others in order to find ways to measure up. However, this can be counterproductive, leading to feelings of insecurity and inferiority. There are many benefits to having a non-comparative mindset, such as being less likely to feel frustrated or dissatisfied with your work, being more creative and productive, and being able to focus on your own strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some practices to begin that will help you move out of a comparative mindset:

  • Focus on your own strengths and accomplishments, rather than comparing yourself to others.

  • Practice self-compassion and accept that you are not perfect.

  • Remember that everyone is different and there is no “correct” way to live your life. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t fit into the mold of what society expects you to be. Simply focus on being the best version of yourself.

We hope this article has helped give you a better understanding of the comparative mindset and how to move away from it. Thank you for reading!

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Hi! I am Lorraine 👋🏻

I’m a trusted leader in the coaching industry with nearly 20 years of experience. My unique SWITCH Coaching System® delivers profound results in minutes, not months. Unlike traditional coaching, my approach goes deeper, faster, and is backed by ICF accreditation.

One of my driving forces is to tell the truth about what it is truly like to be a Professional Coach, and provide a space where you can take a physical or metaphorical sign of relief, and trust that you are in safe hands. Hands of someone who truly wants the best for you.

I share the mistakes I make and have learned from as much as the successes. I hope you will stick around for that.

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